Author: Special to the County Compass

Melding Classroom with Homeschool

By Tina Cowell PAMLICO COUNTY – In an exciting development for homeschooling families in the area, a new hybrid Christian school is set to open its doors in September 2024. Grace Fellowship Academy aims to provide a unique educational experience that combines the flexibility of homeschooling with the benefits of a structured classroom environment. Those new to homeschooling will find encouragement and instructional guidance, while veteran homeschoolers will enjoy greater…

Being A Bear In Today’s World Is Tough

Allison Potter

Kids These Days! | Young journalist applauds ‘thinking for oneself’

Old Theater Visionary Bids Farewell

Food For Thought: Sugar Over The Holidays Lousy For Immune System

Small Town Guy Wins Big Time Weight Lifting

This is the website home page of the company, known as CATL

Chinese batteries installed at Camp Lejeune during Obama years

Trojan Horse threatens USA

School Choice, Part 2 —

Dr. Dawn Baldwin Gibson

School Choice for Eastern North Carolina

Ribbon Cut on New Hangar

No answer, but a darn good suggestion!

“Destroying My Beautiful Country”

Foreign pond-raised shrimp imports may devastate local seafood industry

Feasibility Study for Bridge? Two readers have their say!

LETTER TO CONGRESSMAN GREG MURPHY — Power grid cannot support Electric Vehicles

Yulia turned 15 on June 5 – just weeks after her transplant surgery.

Not vaxxed? Sorry, Yulia, go somewhere else for your kidney transplant.

NC Attorney General attempts to impede Concealed Carry training

LOOK CLOSELY!! Do you see two Mountain Lions?

Wearing a face mask comes with its own set of risks.

Adverse Effects of Face Masks Confirmed

Second of Two Parts

Health Department assumes leadership role

At Right, Melanie Dixon, director, receives the accreditation award from Teresa Ellen, NC Accreditation Board Chair.

First of Two Parts

Pamlico County Health Department: Agency Survives & Thrives, while facing Challenges

Sorry, Charlie. Even if you identify (?) as female, pending law says women’s locker room & playing field off-limits

Money in place as Industrial Park for Aurora takes shape

‘Stand for Life’ is the plea House Bill 533 is the answer


Mount Rushmore is a fitting backdrop for the Convention of States effort, which is gaining momentum.

‘Do Something’ is the plea Convention of States is the answer


Part 3 of Three: How America Took Out Nord Stream Pipeline

Part 2 of Three: How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

Youngster dresses like 104-year-old friend!

Todd Callender (top) and Pascal Najadi


Look out Pfizer. Here comes the King of Thailand, and he is pissed!

Part 1 of Three: How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline