used $1 each also 6 inch plus 4 inch solid concrete blocks In Oriental 252-249-0725 Also – FREE concrete rip-rap.
$3250.Triple stage, runs and operates as it should. 518-657-1348 in Oriental
12-foot wide, two bedroom and one bathroom. Must be moved. Call 252-638-1986
Oyster Tongs $350 OBO with new 12' oak handles. Tow Behind Oyster Dredge $550 OBO. Call 518-657-1348 in Oriental
John Deere E110 Mower – no engine, just the parts – battery, tires, deck, seat, etc and miscellaneous. Every part goes for $400 or best offer. Call Larry from 9 to 5 at (252) 745-8090.
40'x14'x30" leads, hydraulic hammer, double winch, hydraulic crane, Perkins 6 cyl. diesel. In the water in Washington, NC ready to go to work.518-657-1348 Capt. Ron
in like new condition. Can be seen in New Bern area. Price $300. Call Alfred at (252) 637-5834.