NEW BERN – This Monday, Dec. 12, Peletah Institute for Building Resilient Communities presents the ENC Regional Church and Community Holiday Resiliency Collaborative at the Riverfront Convention Center located at 203 S. Front Street.
From 10 am until 3 pm, expect to see: Sheriff Asa Buck, Carteret County Sheriff; Mr. Don Campbell, NC Emergency Management Chief of Staff; Sheriff Chris Davis, Pamlico County Sheriff; The Honorable Dontario Hardy, Kinston Mayor; Sheriff Chip Hughes, Craven County Sheriff; Former New Bern Mayor Dana Outlaw; Alderwoman Hazel Royal, New Bern Ward 2; NC Senator-Elect Kandie Smith; Mr. Joe Stanton, NC Emergency Management, Asst. Director for Long Term Recovery; District Attorney Scott Thomas, Judicial District 3B; NC State Representative Steve Tyson.
There will be Food Lion Feeds food boxes – first come, first serve boxes and Conetoe Family Life Farm bags. The first 200 people will receive a ticket for The Flame Collaborative lunch box. Every participant will receive a wellness bag. NC Emergency Management will be on site to assist churches with accessing the FEMA grants portal. Also available will be regional/state/local partners who offer resources.
Pre-registration is requested. Email: peletahministries@yahoo.com Website: www.peletah.org
Phone: 252-633-1624