My personal experience with Mark Robinson | Young voter meets ‘rock star’ of state’s Republican Party

Drew Baker with Lt. Governor Mark Robinson

By Drew Baker

GRANTSBORO – What do you think of when the term “role model” pops into your mind? Could it be a family member, a president, or a celebrity? 

When I think of the term “role model,” a man with the title of North Carolina’s 35th Lieutenant Governor floods my mind. On Oct. 8, 2021, I had the greatest privilege to attend one of Mark Robinson’s speeches at the 11th Annual Turkey Dinner of the Pamlico County Republican Party.

The amount of enthusiasm, passion, and patriotism portrayed by Lt. Governor Robinson was astounding. One main point that caught my attention was how Lt. Governor Robinson dealt with Democratic backlash. 

Recently, the leftist Senator Jeff Jackson, indirectly bashed the name of Lt. Governor Robinson, based off a video that was twisted to fit the liberal agenda. Mark Robinson also portrays a very direct character, stating that Sen. Jeff Jackson has refrained from speaking to him on the current issue, on the Senate floor. Instead, Sen. Jackson resorts to hiding behind his Twitter account, rather than confronting him in chambers. 

The process in which Mark Robinson responds to these corrupt remarks is exactly what the State of North Carolina needs in its political processes. The Lt. Governor swears to never “Sit down and shut up” after hearing these remarks from opposing officials. The term “back down” is a derogatory term in Lt. Governor Robinson’s vocabulary. We the people of North Carolina need a strong foundation that will stand up to leftist politicians and protect our God-given rights. 

By having elected Mark Robinson as our Lieutenant Governor, we are one step in the right direction! As a proud member of the Pamlico County GOP, I (Andrew K. Baker) stand with Lt. Governor Mark Robinson and swear to never back down to corrupt, liberal communists!