TOWN OF BEAUFORT – Rett Newton, who currently serves as mayor of this small waterfront community, officially announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination to the U.S. Senate.
The election is scheduled for November of 2022, although a primary for the race is likely.
“As Mayor, I have a record of working with Democrats and Republicans to get things done, wrote Newton in a press release. “From cleaning up our waterways to creating local jobs, raising the minimum wage, to rebuilding after hurricanes and repairing our infrastructure. What we’ve accomplished locally I know can be built upon across North Carolina to help the people of our state.”
Rett cited his 28-year career in the U.S. Air Force, which included flying combat air patrols to protect Washington DC following 9/11, and assisting the large-scale disaster relief effort following the 2004 tsunami in South Asia.