By Ray Griffin, Pastor | News Commentary
Louisiana governor Jeff Landy recently signed a law mandating that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom in the state.
Christians see the Ten Commandments as key rules from God on how to live. The new Louisiana law describes them as foundational to state and national governance. We need to recognize the importance of returning a moral code to our classrooms. We should want the best for our children. Teenagers often behave in challenging ways and their behavior gets out of hand – they seem troubled and rude and aggressive toward their parents and other adult members of the family.
Sometimes typical teenagers may develop behavior that is a serious concern. We need the Ten Commandments in our public schools, private schools, and many other places. This may be the first major step in the revival, which is desperately needed in this country. The Ten Commandments are important because they can help young people learn how to live with others and to serve God.
The Ten Commandments are laws that God revealed to his people. Adhering to them can help our teenagers be open to the things of this world that are bad for them. They can also help each of us develop good habits and virtue — bringing discipline into our lives.
The Ten Commandments teach people to be honest; to honor our parents; and to be good neighbors – as we protect, live with, and trust others. The Ten Commandments are as important today as they were thousands of years ago. They can provide a code of conduct that helps people interact with each other in a unified and productive way. May God Bless America once again!