Minnesott Beach predicts ‘devastating effect’
PAMLICO COUNTY – This is a hot potato. However, no need to become terribly agitated just yet. Everyone involved agrees that any proposed structure (to replace the current ferry) is several decades away — if it happens at all.
For now, this is merely a battle of competing ‘Resolutions.’
Monday night, August 7, in a 5 to 2 vote, the Pamlico County Board of Commissioners approved a formal request of both the State and Federal governments to “appropriate funds and conduct a feasibility study of building a bridge between Minnesott Beach and Cherry Branch, North Carolina. “
Twenty-four hours later, elected officials in the Town of Minnesott Beach punched back with a document of their own. For some of its flavor, consider three of the town’s dozen ‘Whereas’ precepts offered as objections to any future bridge:
Whereas, a bridge would increase pollution, noise and trash in our Town;
Whereas, this has the likelihood to increase criminal activity by providing easy, quick access to our Town;
Whereas, quality of life and vista over the Neuse would be negatively affected.
Got an opinion! Send an email to: info@compassnews360.com. We will reprint a few in the Aug. 24 issue this newspaper.
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