Facts Refute Green Agenda

By Barry Boyce

PLANET EARTH – Much has been said about the detrimental effects on our environment from automobile and truck emissions. Here are some factual statistics you should find very interesting!

There are approximately 5000 large container ships sailing the oceans everyday. These massive vessels burn a fuel called ‘bunker oil.’ Pitch black and thick as molasses, bunker fuel is made from the dregs of the refining process. Each container ship – about 1000 feet long – burns around 67,000 gallons of the stuff per day. So 5000 ships x 67,000 gallons per day = 335 million gallons per day. Then multiply that by 365 days per year. The resulting figure is astounding! Bunker oil produces 100 times the carbon foot print that low sulfur diesel fuel produces. So why don’t the Democrats go after these shipping companies?

China, for instance, will tell them to shove it where the sun doesn’t shine! Get the message? One ‘atta boy’ for China though. They are converting all 150 of their coal-fired electrical generation plans to nuclear energy! But the environmental people in America have prevented us from doing that. However, recent news suggests that we are going back to nuclear power generation asap because ‘Artificial intelligence’ and the data storage it needs to function requires huge amounts of electricity. Bottom line? The wind mills and solar panels are just plain failures for large scale electricity generation.

Let’s take the container ship example just a step further. One large container ship creates the pollution equivalent of 50 million cars in just one day!! LET THAT SINK IN FOR A MOMENT. Notice I have not even mentioned all the other cargo ships transporting everything that can’t be put in a container like cars, fertilizer, lumber, etc.

In 2023, the USA’s gasoline consumption was 376 million gallons per day. Seems like a lot, doesn’t it? However, cars contribute only about 5 percent of the total pollution problem.
Now, lets move on to jet fuel consumption. Global airlines consumed 95 billion gallons in 2019. Jet fuel is not as nasty as the afore-mentioned bunker oil, but it produces huge amounts of particulate carbon matter into our upper atmosphere. Now you see why the sky is not so blue anymore??

Our United States Dept of Defense uses 4.6 billion gallons of diesel fuel and jet fuel yearly. Consider this is only our military. What about all of the other militaries throughout the word?
Burning natural gas has an 84 percent rate of efficiency. Most cars burn at about only 20 percent efficiency. So why has our government not pushed burning natural gas in vehicles all these years?? Let that sink in for a while. There is an abundance of natural gas to be used. Saudi Arabia has recently discovered they have as much natural gas as oil reserves – if not more! But, the world’s economy has been focused on crude oil production, thanks mainly to the Rockefeller family. So, if you went out and purchased an electric vehicle to save the planet . . . well bless your little heart.

Now for the scoop on electric cars. Some years back the U.S. Government asked for bids to build electric cars. The grant they offered (that means it does not have to be paid back) was $1.5 billion dollars. I do not know what companies actually sent in bids, other than Elon Musk and his brother. His brother stays out of the limelight but he is just as smart as Elon. I do not claim to be the brightest crayon in the box, but you give me 1.5 billion that doesn’t have to be repaid, and I will find the smartest people in the world to build you whatever you want, in time. Congrats to Elon and his brother for their accomplishments. Thank God they are Americans.

China has “byd,” which stands for ‘build your dream.’ – an electric car manufacturer that churns out EVs all day long. They want to import them into the USA at one half the cost of teslas. Our government rightfully told them “hell no!” Remember, this is a communist country. They can and do produce goods every day under the cost required from American companies making the same product. If the Chinese company does not make a profit, then the government will pay them a profit to earn U.S. dollars!

Further consider that Chinese companies do not pay any ocean freight, while U.S. companies must pay at least $4500 per 40 foot container to ship anything out of the USA. The Chinese government owns all their ships! So how is that fair trade? Even more, in China they do not have any workers compensation laws, no EPA laws to deal with, no health insurance for the workers, and no involvement with the companies being sued for violations of any kind. Why? Because the Chinese government does not allow this!!
These are big costs that American companies have to build into the cost of their products. I know all these things because I shipped many containers of textiles to China in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Made many trips to Hong Kong to deal with my Chinese customers. I found the Chinese people to be very honorable people to deal with. However, the Chinese Communist Party – no trust whatsoever. Kind of like trusting Putin today, or even better Iran.

Allow me to touch on the tariffs impose by the first Trump Administration years ago. They are still in place and the Biden Administration added to them!! Kamala forgot to mention that didn’t she?? But she preached how much the cost of so many products would go up if Trump got re-elected!! Fortunately, America ‘woke up.’ Another fact you have not been told: The Chinese government for years now has paid those tariff costs internally and not passed it onto the products they export!! This they were very willing to do to maintain their production so they could thrive on their exports supporting their economy. Therefore, there is nothing whatsoever in saying that “China deals in fair trade.”

This all got started when Bill Clinton gave China “the most favored nation status” decades ago!! That meant goods to our country from China could be imported without any duty!! The Chinese donated $150,000,000 to the Clinton Foundations bank account (which, by the way, is not deposited in any USA-based bank. Therefore, the our government has no control over what and how their foundation spends money? How convenient is that? This destroyed the textile business and the furniture industry in the South and left about 100,000 people without jobs!! But, old Bill was too busy with Monica and his other lady friends to notice.

Trillions of dollars have been invested to drill and refine petroleum over the last 100 years. That is not going to change, more than likely, in the next few decades. I hope you enjoyed this small dose of reality. Feel free to ‘fact check’ all the consumption figures on Google (but not Facebook for heaven’s sake).