Category: Mystery
Black panther spotted as logging occurs in eastern Carteret THEY EXIST !!!
Jeff Aydelette May 19, 2022
Eyewitness encounter jibes with other credible reports over past decades TOWN OF BEAUFORT – I received a fascinating email Monday morning from Deanna Gillikin. For many years, she has lived adjacent to a dense wooded area, bounded in part by the North River and Taylor Creek. Sort of a one-way-in, one-way-out rural area, although it is not too far from modern civilization. As a good example, Google Earth shows a…
Black panther spotted
July 11, 2019
‘Prowlers of Pamlico County’ exist
May 24, 2013
No doubt! I just saw my second panther!
February 21, 2013
Mysterious pet could be half black panther
February 21, 2013
Most say panthers exist Some recall stranded circus boat
November 17, 2011
Could this be a black panther?
November 10, 2011