‘Yes, But Just Barely!!’
By Concerned Members:
Shine Landing Property Owners Association
Dawson Creek Property Owners Association
PAMLICO COUNTY – In a recent petition to the N.C. Department of Transportation, we have formally requested more vertical clearance to accommodate boat traffic in a pending design for replacement of Janiero Road Bridge. Current design for the new bridge specifies a planned clearance of 10.78 feet – just barely higher than existing height of 10.71 feet above ‘mean high water.’
The proposed new clearance-height is more than two feet LOWER than recommended specifications by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of 3.9 meters (12.8 feet). Further, the proposed height is not adequate to allow routine navigation of some existing boats now docked in Dawson Creek.
A bridge design modified to increase clearance height to the current NOAA specification – or slightly higher – would significantly benefit our Dawson Creek communities and Pamlico County by allowing existing and larger boats to navigate the creek, fostering economic growth, and enhancing recreational opportunities in our area.
We believe this to be a strategic investment by the State of North Carolina. Any new bridge is likely to last 60 years or more. Building a bridge that is essentially the same as an existing bridge does not allow for anticipated future growth of our communities. Also, a higher bridge can improve navigational safety for boaters and reduce the risk of accidents, ensuring a safer environment for all users of Dawson Creek.