NEW BERN – In an email to this newspaper, Bob Brinson, Jr. who represents Ward Six for the City of New Bern, summarizes his July 30 appointment:
The Governor appointed me today to fill the unexpired term for Jim Perry from now until December. I had to resign the Aldermen board to take the District 3 State Senate seat. I’ll still be on the ballot in November to, once elected, start my own term in January.
I’ll be sworn in July 31 at the General Assembly and will have a local ceremony Aug 9th 3:30 at the Superior Court, Craven County Courthouse.
The New Bern Board of Aldermen have called a special meeting for Friday, Aug. 2 at 9am to discuss filling the vacancy.
Brinson, a conservative Republican, is the Party’s current nominee for the State Senate District 3 seat in the General Assembly. Cooper’s appointment – which requires that Perry’s post be filled by a Republican – is a huge boost to Brinson’s prospects in the Nov. 5 general election.