The Eastern Carolina Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club made a Donation of $1590 to the Pamlico County Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Chapter 93, of Pamlico County. The donations were raised from a December 10th Fundraiser at M&Ms Restaurant in Oriental. Members of the club came from 16 states and as far away as Colorado, Massachusetts and Florida to attend the fund raiser. This donation will be partly used to help operate the DAV van, parked by the Courthouse in Bayboro, to take veterans to the Veterans Administration Clinics in Greenville, Morehead City and the Hospital in Durham. Some of the donation will also help fund programs to provide for veterans in need. If you need transportation for appointments, at the facilities listed above, please call 252-745-0440. The DAV try to serve Pamlico County and Aurora veterans. Call a long as possible before the appointments. There is only one van and a limited number of drivers, but they will help as many as possible. If you wish to make a donation to the make a donation to the local DAV please send checks made out to Disabled American Veterans Pamlico County and mail to the Treasurer James Banks at 119 Chinchilla Road in Bayboro, NC 28515-9456. They are an important source of help for veterans in the County.