RALEIGH – Even powerful, liberal-leaning WRAL-TV proved no match for the state’s newly elected Lt. Governor. After Tuesday’s press conference in which Mark Robinson lambasted Capitol Broadcasting for its website post of an inflammatory cartoon depicting Robinson and other GOP members of the State Board of Education as racists, an opinion editor for the television station was left mumbling platitudes:
“Editorial cartoons are creative and provocative, using hyperbole and satire,” wrote Seth Effron in an email. “No one believes Republicans on the State Board of Education are members of the Ku Klux Klan. The editorial cartoon by Dennis Draughon is meant to point out that these members of the State Board are trying to wipe out from the social studies curriculum the record of racism, which includes the Klan and the segregationist practices that were imposed in our state and nation’s history.”
The TV station was incensed that a recent petition campaign launched by Robinson threatened to derail a proposed policy change, set for Feb. 4 by the State Board of Education. If approved, the measure would continue a shift away from the 3 R’s of education in favor of more political correctness.
