By Mary Houston-Harvey
This article is the first in a series meant to highlight the benefits of herbs. Got a question? Email the author:
The humble little False Daisy has a powerhouse of medicinal, beauty and garden benefits, growing right here in North Carolina. False Daisy flourishes in warm, humid climates and likes to grow near waterways, inlets, creeks and rivers in damp and muddy soil. It is a member of the Sunflower family.
In this country, it is usually passed over as just another weed or flowering garden vine. However, in India and China it has been recognized and harvested for thousands of years, primarily for its many health benefits. Over there it is known by the tongue-twisting name of BHRINGARAJ.
When you begin to delve deeper into this amazing little multi-tasker, you will find a whole slew of benefits. In the garden, False Daisy can keep away insects because of its nicotine content and it is a natural pollinator for bees and butterflies. It also has a lovely aroma that is calming! Plan to move False Daisy from the garden to your medicine cabinet because its benefits are profuse.
In India, an oil is made from the leaves and seeds for rubbing into the scalp. It increases new growth of hair and in some cases even has reversed gray hair back to its original color. The oil is rich in nutrients that benefit lustrous healthy hair. No more Head & Shoulders shampoo – False Daisy oil has been known to eliminate dandruff as well. The fresh leaves are also juiced – for both hair and body benefits.
You can use the dried herb in capsules or put it directly into tea. You can also make a hair mask with the powder and coconut oil. You mix them together and rub it into the scalp and massage into your hair, cover and leave it on for 2 hours then wash it out.
Its a wonderful skin tonic. The oil can be used as part of a skin routine or the dried herb used to make a face mask.
In many cultures it’s used as a liver tonic and reported to be helpful with diabetes. Since a healthy liver is connected to healthy skin, a course of False Daisy can be helpful. It has also been effective in lowering harmful cholesterol and detoxifying the kidneys.
In India, the leaves and flowers are also put into many recipes and the taste is quite delicate. Many cultures understand that food is not just for enjoyment but is healing as well. As Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”
Taking False Daisy can act as a diuretic, which will increase urination; so although its a great detoxifier for the kidneys and liver make sure you drink plenty of water and use for short periods of time. Also speak with your doctor or Natural Health care practitioner.
You can buy False Daisy online. Make sure it is ‘third party lab tested’ for pollutants. There are companies who grow it organically and that’s your best bet. Using the oil on your hair is generally safe for hair growth and conditioning. Again, use a good trusted herbal company.
Reminder! Diet is also important for beautiful, healthy hair and skin. Make sure
your diet includes lots of fresh organic vegetables, fruits, and salads Limit your carbs and refined sugars and drink lots of fresh, clean high ph water.
Until next time!