By Jeffrey Odham
After spending the Memorial Day weekend with my family, and participating in several events throughout our community, I have decided to call for a runoff in the race for Mayor of The City of New Bern. With just 4 votes separating first and second place, and neither candidate meeting the 50% plus 1 threshold, this race is undecided. From the moment the results came in on election night, I have fielded many calls, emails and texts from citizens and community leaders encouraging me to call for a runoff.
I am very appreciative of all the support and votes received during the recent election. With just two candidates in the race now, voters will have the opportunity to focus more clearly on the issues facing our city. My campaign will be centered on continuing the positive momentum that, we together, have garnered in our great city. Whether you are a life-long resident or relocated here, we all take pride in calling New Bern our home.
We are proud of our continued job growth, which helps keep New Bern’s tax rate lower than virtually every other city in Eastern North Carolina. We enjoy the great quality of life that is shared through our parks and recreation facilities. I am committed to improving and keeping these areas protected. During the discussion around potentially developing a portion of Union Point Park, I reached out to the community for feedback. Based on the overwhelming response received, I voted “NO.” Listening and reacting is exactly what a representative of the people should always do.
I’m also proud to have made the motion ensuring that 100% of the FEMA and insurance proceeds for the Stanley White Recreation Center be spent on rebuilding this important cornerstone of our community. Over the coming days, our team will be working work hard to put a campaign together based upon:
– My experience and my input into the City of New Bern Board of Alderman for the last 8+ years, which resulted in lower electric rates for our people and a positive direction bringing about more quality job expansion.
– The continued focus on all areas of our city with the development of a strategic plan for New Bern.
– Having open discussions, anywhere and everywhere possible, to help voters make the most informed decision in this election.
Since the time I first filed for the office of mayor, I have been asking for your vote. I now am asking for your vote, once again. Election Day will be Tuesday, July 26, 2022; however, early voting will begin July 7th. This affords voters a very convenient and flexible opportunity to have your voice heard and your vote counted. The enthusiasm coming from our city to ask for a runoff in this undecided mayor’s election has been humbling and extremely encouraging. Now, it’s time to win this election for the future of our city. Please vote Jeffrey Odham for Mayor of the City of New Bern. Visit www.jeffreyodham.com for more information, or email jeffrey@jeffreyodham.com if you would like to get involved.